Our Story

Get to Know Us Better
Freewheeling cycling club was founded in 2010 by a small group of passionate individuals who shared a love for cycling and wanted to promote cycling in the community.
The vision was simple: to provide free cycling for all, whatever your age or experience and no matter what type of bike you ride! The ethos has not changed and we are still run by volunteers and our annual subscription is still as low as we can keep it.

The Committee

David Busby
​Treasurer and Membership:
Mark Bedford
Kathryn Aveyard
email: abingdonfreewheeling@outlook.com
(please note email inbox is checked every 1-2 weeks, for quick answers please use Facebook)​
Abingdon Freewheeling Cycling Club Forum | Facebook
The club would not be able to run without our ride leaders. We are always on the lookout for new ride leaders and people that want to get involved. Ask your ride leader for more details.